Inland Northwest Paint Horse Club
Membership Info
To accomodate our wide geographic membership, most of our meetings are held via a closed Facebook group. Meetings are typically open for 3-7 days to allow people with differing schedules to participate and keep up with what is going on. Additionally, we try to meet in person once per quarter. Most meetings are held in the Coeur d'Alene, ID area which is central to most members. However, we have met in Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint & Spokane as requests arise.

NWCC awards programs
APHA Shows Open Shows - flier

Officers & Directors
President = Lanay Hambrook - Kennewick, WA
Vice-President = Debbie Kruger - Rathdrum, ID
Secretary / Treasurer =
Shannon O'Dell - Otis Orchards, WA
Board Members:
Beth Brubaker - Hayden Lake, ID
For club information, please contact:
Shannon O'Dell - (509) 951-8053